Wanderbares M - Discover Meinerzhagen's most beautiful corners

Biggesee-Listersee nature experience area / Neusta Touren / Wanderbares M - Discover Meinerzhagen's most beautiful corners
Stage hike along marked hiking trails past the most beautiful cultural and natural treasures of Meinerzhagen and the Ebbegebirge.

Ausblick vom Sauerland Höhenflug aufs Tal

Der Sagenort mit der sagenhaften Holzfigur

Aussicht auf die Meinhardus Mattenschanzen

Knüppeldamm in den Ebbemooren

Fritz-Paulmann-Weg oberhalb des Volmehofes

Sauerland-Höhenflug in der Morgensonne

Fürwiggetalsperre im Sommer

Knochenmühle Mühlhofe

Archimedes-Spirale am Wanderparkplatz Quellental


Tour starting point:

Heed hiking parking lot

Tour destination point:

Windebruch bathing area parking lot


  • Refreshment stop

Additional Information

All information about the "Wanderbare M" can be found here:





49.6 km


13:45 h

Elevation ascent

1025 m

Elevation descent

1094 m

Lowest point

319 m

Highest point

660 m



Recommended seasons


Enjoy nature and discover the most beautiful corners of Meinerzhagen on foot: our "Wanderbares M" stage tour offers all of this. The approximately 50 km long hike, divided into 4 (half) day stages, leads in the shape of an "M" past the Wasserschloß Badinghagen, the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen (the landmark of Meinerzhagen), the Fürwiggetalsperre and through the Quellental and the Ebbemoore to the heights of the Ebbegebirge and the Nordhelle (663 m above sea level). The route then continues down the valley past the Knochenmühle mill and the St. Maria Magdalena chapel (Grotewiese) to the idyllic Listertalsperre dam. If you still haven't had enough, you can discover further highlights on one of the numerous circular trails following the "Wanderbare M". At some points along the route, you can listen to exciting legends from the "magical world of legends at the top of the Volme".

The tour runs along marked hiking trails and is also marked with a white "M" on a blue-green striped circle.

Heed hiking parking lot

Rastplatz am Wanderparkplatz Heed

The Meinerzhagen Heed hiking parking lot provides access to the wooded and water-rich landscape between Meinerzhagen and the Genkeltalsperre dam.

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Die Hexeneiche (Sagenwelt)

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Wasserschloss Badinghagen

Den einen oder anderen Blick kann man auf das Schl

Malerisch inmitten von Wäldern gelegen findet man südlich von Meinerzhagen das Wasserschloss Badinghagen.

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The shepherd of Badinghagen (world of legends)

Der Sagenort mit der sagenhaften Holzfigur

On the way towards Badinghagen, there is a unique audio experience to discover at this bench.

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Wanderparkplatz Schallershaus

Infotafeln am Rande des Parkplatzes

Der Wanderparkplatz Schallershaus befindet sich nahe den Meinhardus-Mattenschanzen in Meinerzhagen und ist (neben Altena und Korbach) einer von den drei Einstiegspunkten zum Sauerland-Höhenflug.

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Krugmann Markenspirituosen GmbH and Co. KG / Distillery tour


Distillery store

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Beherrschend über die Stadt Meinerzhagen, auf einer Anhöhe gelegen, präsentiert sich die bedeutende romanische Kirche von Meinerzhagen.

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Touristinfo Meinerzhagen

Touristinfo Meinerzhagen

Liebe Gäste, die Erholungs- und Freizeitstadt Meinerzhagen, am Fuße des schönen Ebbegebirges gelegen, heißt Sie Herzlich Willkommen!

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Meinerzhagen Nature Park Information Center

Naturpark-Infozentrum und Touristinfo

The Nature Park Information Center of the Sauerland Rothaargebirge Nature Park in Meinerzhagen is also the tourist information office for the town of Meinerzhagen.

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Beliebtes Ausflugsziel und Rastpunkt: die Volmeque

Die Volmequelle in Meinerzhagen lädt Spaziergänger, Wanderer und Besucher zum Verweilen ein.

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The Willertshagen Devil's Stone (world of legends)

Der Willertshagener Teufelsstein

There is a unique audio experience to discover at this bench at the Stoltenberg hiking parking lot.

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Hollow ways at the Listerquelle (iron road)

Der Hohlweg mit der Karrenspur in der Nähe der Lis

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Schutzhütte Grundlose

... Sonnenuntergangsstimmung im Märkischen Sauerla

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Eines der Waldsofas an der Fürwiggetalsperre

Ein beliebtes Ziel für Wanderer, Spaziergänger und Jogger ist die Fürwiggetalsperre bei Meinerzhagen im Ebbegebirge mit einem Uferwanderweg von 4,1 km Länge in einer waldreichen Umgebung.

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Wanderparkplatz Quellental

Wanderparkplatz Quellental

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Kneipp station Quellental

Die Kneippanlage im Meinerzhagener Quellental

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Bone mill Mühlhofe

Blick von der Seite auf die Knochenmühle

The bone mill in Meinerzhagen-Mühlhofe is a rarity: it is the last surviving technical cultural monument of its kind in Westfalen and is absolutely worth seeing.

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20240430_Badestelle_Windebruch (3).jpg

With its numerous designated bathing areas, the Listertalsperre is a popular excursion destination and invites numerous visitors every year to go sailing, fishing, surfing, swimming, hiking, walking and cycling.

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0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m 700 m 325 669



Stage 1: Heed hiking parking lot - Stoltenberg hiking parking lotWe start at the Heed hiking parking lot in the south of Meinerzhagen and follow the A1 marker. This is also the start of the Wald-Aktiv-Pfad, a great loop around the Heedberg. After a short time, we reach the witches' oak with its legendary place, whereupon we soon turn left and follow themarkings for the Sauerland-Höhenflug circular trail (white H on a blue background). We cross a road, pass the Wasserschloß Badinghagen and finally reach the Schallershaus hiking parking lot uphill with a fantastic view of the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen. Incidentally, this is also the entrance to the Sauerland-Höhenflug quality long-distance hiking trail and a legendary place of the "Magical world of legends at the top of the Volme" with a wooden shepherd figure.Here you also have the option of either walking the Meinerzhagen town walk or the complete circular route on the Sauerland-Höhenflug "Vom Wasser haben wir's gelernt) as an additional circular tour.From here, we now follow the sign of the triangle pointing to the right. To reach the Fritz-Paulmann-Weg, we follow the path that leads us over a pedestrian island to the other side of the road. On asphalt, along the edge of the town, we soon come to the Volmequelle. Continuing along the small road, the path crosses the country road again. Here we keep left, cross two bridges and reach the small district of Willertshagen, where we reach the end of the first stage, the Stoltenberg hiking parking lot. There is another legendary place here.Stage 2: Stoltenberg hiking parking lot - Quellental hiking parking lot At the start of the second stage, we continue to follow the aforementioned triangular markings and soon reach a small viewing platform with a view of the "Grundlose", the source of the Lister. This is another legendary place in the "magical world of legends at the top of the Volme". We follow the path uphill until we reach a refuge. From now on, we follow the X11 marker diagonally to the RIGHT , which leads us further and further into the Ebbegebirge.At a larger crossroads, we now follow the square as a marker at the beginning and then turn left and follow the VolmeSchatz Natur (white V on a turquoise background) to explore the Fürwiggetalsperre dam and finally return to our main path via the same route. If you want to skip this detour, turn right at this junction and follow the white square on a black background downhill until you reach the Quellental hiking parking lot.This is where the second stage ends. The Landhaus Nordhelle, which is a certified "Wanderbare Deutschland" establishment, is a good place to spend the night. To reach the accommodation, follow the Sauerland-Höhenflug markings (white H on a yellow background) for a few minutes from the Quellental parking lot and follow the signs to Landhaus Nordhelle.Stage 3: Quellental hiking parking lot - NordhelleOur third stage also follows the Sauerland-Höhenflug markings, the white M on a yellow background. The path continues to ascend and leads us further and further up to Nordhelle, where we also cross the footbridge (Knüppeldamm) over the protected Ebbemoore flora and fauna vein. After completing the ascent, we have reached Nordhelle, the highest elevation in the Märkisches Sauerland. From up here, you can enjoy a view that is second to none. When we reach the Robert-Kolb-Turm, our marker also changes.Stage 4: Nordhelle - Windebruch bathing area parking lotThe fourth stage begins at the Robert-Kolb-Turm, from where we follow the upward-pointing triangle on a black background, which leads us over the Ebbekamm. We soon reach a large forest crossroads, the so-called spider. Continuing steadily downhill, we soon come to a road and follow the Jagdhornweg (white hunting horn), which bends to the left, until we reach the settlement of Echternhagen. From here, we continue to follow the hunting horn. If you wish, you can also hike the entire circular route. Otherwise, we leave the Jagdhornweg just before the village of Mühlhofe and walk downhill to the country road, which we then cross to reach the Knochenmühle. We then return to the country road, cross it again and turn right towards the settlement of Grotewiese, with the small pilgrimage chapel "St. Maria Magdalena". From here, we follow the Way of St. James with the yellow pilgrim's shell on a blue background. After crossing the country road following the shell, we leave the pilgrims' path just before the pilgrims' stone and now follow the Valbert circular route sharply to the right, a white V on a black background.Shortly before Unterworbscheid , there is a legend bench at the edge of the forest of the "magical world of legends at the top of the Volme". From here, there is a wonderful view of the Ebbegebirge mountains with Nordhelle and the Grotewiese settlement. From here, the Valbert circular trail continues in the direction of the Listertalsperre, soon running parallel to the Biggesee-Listersee circular trail. We now follow the white "BL" on a blue-green background until we leave this circular trail shortly before Hunswinkel in the direction of Windebruch to reach the final destination of our stage hike, the Windebruch parking lot with bathing area. The Hotel-Restaurant Fischerheim is also located here, where you can stop for a bite to eat and spend the night.


Different surfaces await us on this hiking tour. Sturdy hiking boots and clothing suitable for the weather are recommended. Hiking provisions (food & drinks) should be taken along.

Safty guidelines

First aid: In an emergency, dial the emergency number 112 and state the rescue point number. Rescue points are access points marked in the forest for rescue vehicles. If the nearest rescue point is not known, your location can be called up directly via AML (Advanced Mobile Location) during the emergency call.

Author Tip

Circular tours along the way:

- RUNDweg along the Sauerland Höhenflug

- City walk,

- ForestActivePath,

- VolmeSchatz Nature

- Bigge-Lister circular hiking trail

Public transiot

Meinerzhagen can be reached from Cologne on the RB 25 train line; from Dortmund on the RB 52 train line, changing in Brügge (Westfalen) to the RB 25 (direction Cologne).

Meinerzhagen town center, the Quellental hiking parking lot, the Fürwiggetalsperre as well as the Nordhelle can be reached with the NahTourBus of the Märkischer Kreis and are connected to this route network during the hiking season from May to October.

Getting there

All information can be found here: WANDERBARES M


Heed parking lot - entry point for stage 1

Hiking parking lot Stoltenberg - entry point stage 2

Quellental hiking parking lot - starting point for stage 3

Windebruch parking lot - end point (or starting point if you walk the route the other way round)

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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