Nordic Walking (blue)

Nordic walking in Meinerzhagen

Enjoy the beauty of nature on one of the three Nordic walking routes and do something good for your body at the same time - whether you are a beginner or an experienced walker: on the route variations with different levels of difficulty, everyone gets their money's worth and can enjoy training and relaxation.

WaldAktivPfad am Wanderbaren M

Aussicht auf die Meinhardus Mattenschanzen

Sagenort "Hexeneiche"

Blick vom Weg auf das Wasserschloss Badinghagen (Privatbesitz)

Tour starting point:

Near the Schallershaus hiking parking lot, next to the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen or near the Heed hiking parking lot

Tour destination point:

Circular trails: Near the hiking parking lot Schallershaus, next to the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen or near the hiking parking lot Heed


  • free of charge / accessible at any time

Additional Information

As guests in the forest, we show understanding, respect and correct behavior to ensure the use, protection and recreation of our forest.




4.9 km


1:05 h

Elevation ascent

123 m

Elevation descent

123 m

Lowest point

339 m

Highest point

462 m



There are three possible starting points with information boards in the Meinerzhagen route network from which you can start all three routes. These are located near the Heed and Schallershaus hiking parking lots and next to the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen, where the "Im Brannten" bus stop is also located in the immediate vicinity if you want to travel by bus.
0 km 1 km 2 km 3 km 4 km 325 m 350 m 375 m 400 m 425 m 450 m 475 m 500 m 353 461



The "Nordic Walking (blue)" route is the easiest and shortest variation of the three routes. With a length of 4.9 km and a total ascent of 121 meters, it takes walkers past the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen, crosses Badinghagen Castle shortly after Butmicke and then runs through the idyllic village of Heed.

Safety guidelines

First aid: In an emergency, dial the emergency number 112 and state the rescue point number. Rescue points are access points marked in the forest for rescue vehicles. If the nearest rescue point is not known, your location can be called up directly via AML (Advanced Mobile Location) during the emergency call.

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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