Meinhardus Mattenschanzen

Winter sports

During the snow-free months, the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen are used for training and promoting young ski jumpers. They are also a regular venue for various competitions.

Beeindruckende Höhe der Schanzenanlage

Die Schanzenanalge im Überblick

Auslaufbereich der Sportanlage

Hier landen die Springer


Meinhardus Mattenschanzen


58540 Meinerzhagen

Telephone: 02354/6387




  • Parking spaces available
  • Bus stop available
  • open on request/by arrangement

The ski jumping facility has three hills, the K 12, K 37 and K 65, whereby the large plastic covered hill was the largest in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1964. The height of the jumping tower is approx. 38 m, the inrun speed is between approx. 70 and 75 km/h, the largest jumping distance is approx. 66 - 68 m.

Further information is also available from the Meinerzhagen Ski Club.

The circular hiking trail leads along the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen on the Sauerland-Höhenflug: We learned it from the water. From the starting point of the hike, which is also the entrance to the Sauerland-Höhenflug, there is a fantastic view of the ski jump area.

All information without guarantee!


Free admission: 0.0


Bus stop "Im Brannten"

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