- Parking spaces available
Does your heart beat for horses? Then you shouldn't miss out on a visit to the Birkenhof Icelandic horse stud farm in Drolshagen-Öhrunghausen.
Horse riding in Drolshagen
Bergstraße 11
57489 Drolshagen
Telephone: 02761-3879
Fax: 02761/53085
The Birkenhof Icelandic horse stud is located on the edge of a large wooded area. In addition to numerous Icelandic horses, you can also admire many other animals at the Birkenhof Icelandic horse stud farm. For example, there is a petting zoo with guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens, ducks, peacocks, donkeys, dogs, cats and many more.
Information on the current offers can be found on the homepage of the Birkenhof Icelandic horse stud farm.
Text: Birkenhof Icelandic Horse Stud
Accessible by car.