Hanseatic city of Attendorn

The Hanseatic city on the Biggesee

The Hanseatic city on the Biggesee

The cozy small town with around 25,000 inhabitants, which received its town charter in 1222, is located on the south-western edge of the Ebbegebirge mountains in the Biggetal valley. The Biggetal dam, which was completed in 1965, today offers an excursion paradise for young and old, old and young-at-heart. The typically rolling landscape of hills, mountains, forest and lakes is dotted with numerous cycling and hiking trails. Attendorn's historic Altstadt invites you to linger with its small cafés and corner pubs. Attractive retail stores complete the picture. Short, barrier-free paths lead you through the city center and show you the beauties of Attendorn. Highlights close to the town center such as the Atta-Höhle cave and the South Sauerland Museum as well as the Sauerland Cathedral are always worth a visit. Let yourself be inspired by the unique flair of Attendorn.
Embedded in a beautiful landscape is the Repetal, which is characterized by idyllic half-timbered houses and is only a few minutes' drive from Attendorn and the Biggesee. One of the most popular hiking trails is the "Repetaler Wander(s)pass", which mainly runs along the "Repetalrundweg" and other hiking trails. The RuHe-Pfad hiking trail in Attendorn-Helden offers fascinating insights and views.

The Biggesee is of particular scenic beauty. In summer, it is ideal for swimming, fishing, camping, pedal boating, surfing, sailing, diving or taking a trip on one of the boats in the Biggesee White Fleet, and in winter for leisurely walks. There are signposted hiking and cycling trails all around the lake.

Brochures and flyers

Excursion tips

Attendorner Tropfsteinhöhle
Die Führung durch die leicht begehbare Höhle dauert etwa 40 Minuten. Dabei beträgt die Temperatur in der Atta-Höhle konstant 9°C. Täglich. 365 mal im Jahr. Sommer wie Winter.
Die Gesamtlänge der Atta-Höhle misst 6.670 Meter von denen etwa 1.800 Meter für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sind.
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Besuchen Sie den Biggeblick in Attendorn virtuell!
Erleben Sie eine spektakuläre Reise auf den virtuellen Biggeblick!
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Einkaufen in Attendorn
Bummeln gehen in der historischen Altstadt von Attendorn
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Hiking trails

Sauerland-Höhenflug access route: From Neu-Listernohl to Sauerland-Höhenflug
Difficulty: Medium | Distance: 4.6km | Duration: 1:15h | Ascent: 176m | Descent: 10m
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RuHe trail (around Helden in the Repetal)
Difficulty: Medium | Distance: 13.9 km | Duration: 4:0 h | Ascent: 298 m | Descent: 298 m
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Bigge-Lister hiking trail
Difficulty: Difficult | Distance: 45.9km | Duration: 13:9h | Ascent: 986m | Descent: 986m
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Bike tours

BiggeseeSchleife - From Attendorn to the SauerlandRadring
Difficulty: Medium | Distance: 36km | Duration: 1:45h | Ascent: 286m | Descent: 286m
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Biggesee cycle route
Difficulty: Easy | Distance: 16.6 km | Duration: 1:28 h | Ascent: 118 m | Descent: 123 m
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Repetal cycle route
Difficulty: Medium | Distance: 20.2 km | Duration: 1:20 h | Ascent: 257 m | Descent: 257 m
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Around the Biggesee - No. 44
Difficulty: Easy | Distance: 24.7 km | Duration: 1:40 h | Ascent: 169 m | Descent: 168 m
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