Bigge-Lister hiking trail

Experience great views, the best leisure activities and the beautiful nature around the Biggesee and Listersee.


Tour starting point:

Start / Finish: Attendorn / Olpe / Drolshagen / Meinerzhagen

Tour destination point:

Start / Finish: Attendorn / Olpe / Drolshagen / Meinerzhagen


  • Refreshment stop
  • Circular route
  • free of charge / accessible at any time

Additional Information


Tourismusverband Biggesee-Listersee
Kölner Str. 12


Tel: 02722 / 65 79 240
Fax: /6579241


regionaler Wanderweg


45.9 km


13:09 h

Elevation ascent

986 m

Elevation descent

986 m

Lowest point

303 m

Highest point

461 m



Recommended seasons


The Bigge-Lister Trail takes you on a long tour of the Biggesee and Listersee nature experience area and offers fascinating destinations for nature lovers and explorers. Here, visitors experience a harmonious blend of nature, activities and cultural discoveries. Along the hiking trail, numerous viewpoints and rest areas offer a magnificent view of the lake landscape at the foot of the Ebbegebirge mountains.

The Bigge-Lister trail stretches over 46 kilometers and can be hiked in just two days. Additional straddle paths allow you to take a shortcut. A popular starting point for the circular trail is Waldenburger Bucht in Attendorn. From here, the trail leads along the historic Waldenburg Chapel to the Burgruine Waldenburg, where the first beautiful view of the Biggesee can be enjoyed. Afterwards, you can observe the Gilberg bird island, which together with the surrounding water area represents 96 hectares of nature reserve. The next exciting point of the hike is the Hohe Bilstein nature reserve, another vantage point with excellent views over meadows and forests. After this stage, the route continues to the historic Valentinskapelle chapel at Olpe Obersee. The next destination on the route is Sondern lake station. Here, hikers have the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing trip on the Biggesee passenger boat.

The route from Biggesee now leads to Listersee, where the Dumicke Gnick is bypassed and art objects from the KuLTour hiking trail cross the Bigge-Lister trail between Wörmge and Bruch. The Listersee barrier wall, built in 1912, is also a popular stopping point. On the way back towards Biggesee, the Gilberg bird island appears again. The mermaid Attania can be admired from this side of the Biggesee. The highlight of the hike is the Aussichtsplattform Biggeblick, located 90 meters above sea level, which offers a unique panoramic view of the Biggesee-Listersee nature experience area.

Biggesee passenger boat trip

MS Westfalen_1_Bock.jpg

THE BIGGESEE - THIS IS WHERE RELAXATION STARTS Less than an hour from Cologne and in close proximity to the metropolitan areas of the Rhineland and Ruhrgebiet, the Biggesee region lies between Olpe and Attendorn.

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Biggesee mit Personenschifffahrt, Foto Tourismusv

When I see the lake, I don't need the sea anymore!

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Valentinskapelle am Olper Obersee.jpg

The small Valentinskapelle is located directly on the banks of the Biggetal dam.

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Lido at Sonderner Kopf

Sonderner Kopf.jpg

Lido with kiosk, adjacent campsite, large sunbathing lawn

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Burgruine Waldenburg

Die Burgruine Waldeburg

The Waldenburg is the ruins of a hilltop castle near the town of Attendorn.

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Badestelle Waldenburger Bucht

Badestelle Waldenburger Bucht

Badestelle Waldenburger Bucht

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Aussichtsplattform Biggeblick

Der Biggeblick

Enjoy the feeling of freedom and space.

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0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 300 m 350 m 400 m 450 m 500 m 307 468



Attendorn - Bürberg - Olpe - Sondern - Herpel - Hunswinkel - Neu-Listernohl - Attendorn


Normal hiking equipment, mosquito and sun protection recommended, various shortcuts possible.

Author Tip

Places of interest:

  • Aussichtsplattform Biggeblick
  • Waldenburg ruins
  • Waldenburg Chapel
  • Gilberg Island
  • Hoher Bilstein, Olpe
  • Valentinskapelle, Olpe
  • Lister wall

Public transiot

Attendorn, Attendorn-Kraghammer, Attendorn-Listerscheid, Attendorn-Hohen Hagen (only May to September), Olpe-Sondern , Olpe-Eichhagen (if required) and Olpe.

Getting there

A 45 (Sauerland line) Dortmund - Hagen - Olpe or

Frankfurt - Gießen - Siegen - Olpe; then Attendorn, Drolshagen or Meinerzhagen exits

junctions: Olpe, Olpe Süd junction¸ then Attendorn, Drolshagen or Meinerzhagen exitsA

4 Cologne - Olpe junction: Olpe Süd junction¸ then Attendorn, Drolshagen or Meinerzhagen exits

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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