VolmeSchatz dams - The South Sea(s) of the region

Biggesee-Listersee nature experience area / Neusta Touren / VolmeSchatz dams - The South Sea(s) of the region

A gem near Kierspe: the Jubachtalsperre dam. The themed trail "The South Sea of the Region" between Jubach and Homert offers lots of interesting facts about dams in the Märkisches Sauerland.

Idyllisches Kleinod: die Jubachtalsperre

Infotafel an der Jubachtalsperre

Die zauberhafte Jubachtalsperre

Wegeverlauf durch einen Buchenwald

Tour starting point:

Herlinghausen-Vollme hiking parking lot

Tour destination point:

Herlinghausen-Vollme hiking parking lot


  • Circular route

Additional Information

There is a QR code on each (themed) information board, which you can use to call up the route and details of the trail. Selected information boards are equipped with an additional QR code. Exciting additional digital information is waiting to be discovered by you.

As guests in the forest, we show understanding, respect and correct behavior to ensure the use, protection and recreation of our forest.




11.4 km


3:15 h

Elevation ascent

231 m

Elevation descent

231 m

Lowest point

309 m

Highest point

531 m



Recommended seasons


Admittedly, this 11.2 km themed hiking trail takes its time and the Homert at 538 m above sea level is quite a climb! However, the Jubachtalsperre, an idyllic gem among the reservoirs in the Märkisches Sauerland, and the distant views from the Homertturm make every effort worthwhile.

The themed hiking trail "South Seas of the Region" brings you closer to the dams on informative display boards. Digital content about the Sauerland lakes can be accessed via QR codes. The hike also leads through the Fernhagener Bruch and Jubachtal nature reserve.

The Jubachtalsperre itself can also be explored on a short walk. As it is a drinking water reservoir, swimming and water sports are prohibited. From the massive quarry stone dam in Art Nouveau style (built in 1904-1906), the view sweeps across the valley. Two forest sofas invite you to enjoy the sun.

The "Ochsentour am Stilleking" circular hike also starts at the Homert. So if you want to hike even further, you can join in seamlessly here.

Special features along the way: in addition to the information boards with exciting information and some QR codes for further videos or audio tracks, you can also discover an adventure treasure chest and a panoramic picture frame along the way.

Wanderparkplatz Herlinghausen-Vollme

Wanderübersichtstafeln Wanderparkplatz Vollme

Vom Wanderparkplatz Herlinghausen-Vollme lassen sich die im Kiersper Stadtgebiet liegenden Rundwanderwege A2, A5, A6, A7 und A8 erwandern.

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Homertturm (539 m Höhe)


Auf dem 539 Meter hohen Berg Homert befindet sich im Süden des Lüdenscheider Stadtgebiets der Homertturm.

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Jubachtalsperre - Wanderweg

Die idyllisch gelegene Jubachtalsperre - eine Trinkwassertalsperre - bei Kierspe liegt etwas versteckt im oberen Volmetal und bietet mit Spazier- und Wandermöglichkeiten einen kurzweiligen Aufenthalt für Naturliebhaber.

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0 km 2 km 4 km 6 km 8 km 10 km 300 m 350 m 400 m 450 m 500 m 550 m 600 m 314 546



Probably the most challenging VolmeSchatz, not only because of its length, but also because of the altitude difference. The route is mainly on forest paths and also along the idyllic Jubachtalsperre reservoir, but beware: the route also runs along a country road for a few meters!Trail conditionsRoad & asphalt: 2.2 km - Gravel path: 7.8 km - Nature trail: 1.2 km - Path: 0.2 kmWe start at the Herlinghausen hiking parking lot directly on the Volme and follow the path up to the Jubachtalsperre. The asphalt surface quickly gives way to a gravel path before we reach the dam. On the right-hand side, we take the dam circular path and follow it to the opposite end of the dam. The path now bends and leads us uphill through the Sauerland forests towards Homert. After a longer ascent, we reach the road, which we follow for a few meters, keeping to the left, before the path bends back towards the forest; the Homertturm on the hill is now not far away. This is also a good spot for a picnic break. We now continue along the path, slowly and steadily downhill. Here and there there are great views before we slowly approach the Jubachtalsperre dam. The trail zigzags up to the dam and over the dam wall back to the starting point.

Safety guidelines

First aid: In an emergency, dial the emergency number 112 and state the rescue point number. Rescue points are access points marked in the forest for rescue vehicles. If the nearest rescue point is not known, your location can be called up directly via AML (Advanced Mobile Location) during the emergency call.

Author Tip

As a drinking water protection area, the Jubachtalsperre is not directly accessible by car. Please head for the Herlinghausen-Vollme hiking parking lot.


Hiking map Oberes Volmetal - Second edition - ISBN number 9 783866 369207


The trail flyers for the individual VolmeSchatz hiking trails are available at the local tourist information offices and other distribution points in the region.

How to get there

You can easily reach the starting point of the hike by car via the B54 - between Kierspe and Halver-Oberbrügge. The hiking parking lot is located in the small village of Vollme.


Turning off the main road, right next to the Volme is the Herlinghausen hiking parking lot with space for several cars.

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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