Valbert circular route (V)

Along the tax boundaries of the former municipality of Valbert in the Oben an der Volme region in the Märkisches Sauerland, the Valbert circular trail (V) invites you on a varied hike through forests, fields and meadows, past the Listertalsperre dam, hidden cultural beauties and farms with the opportunity to stop off and stay overnight.

Valberter Rundweg

Valberter Rundweg

Valberter Rundweg

Valberter Rundweg

Valberter Rundweg Kennzeichnung V

Valberter Rundweg

Valberter Rundweg

Parkplatz Nordhelle

Valberter Rundweg

Valberter Rundweg Holztipi

Valberter Rundweg Raststelle

Tour starting point:

Nordhelle parking lot

Tour destination point:

Nordhelle parking lot


  • Refreshment stop
  • Circular route

Additional Information

As guests in the forest, we show understanding, respect and correct behavior to ensure the use, protection and recreation of our forest.


regionaler Wanderweg


45.7 km


12:55 h

Elevation ascent

1037 m

Elevation descent

1037 m

Lowest point

309 m

Highest point

659 m



Recommended seasons


From the Nordhelle parking lot, the trail leads hikers mostly through forest, but also past meadows and small villages with wonderful views time and again. It goes uphill and downhill via Nordhelle, the well-known Spinne crossroads and finally around Rüenhardt. In between, hikers can take a break on benches and forest sofas. Mostly downhill, the trail heads south via Albringhausen towards the Listertalsperre, which invites you to take a refreshing dip. The trail continues west towards Homert via Ingemertermühle and back north along Österhöh and Kahlen Kopf to the Nordhelle parking lot, where the almost 45 km long circular trail comes to an end.



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Der Robert-Kolb Turm auf der Nordhelle

Robert-Kolb-Turm (Aussichtsturm) auf der höchsten Erhebung des Märkischen Sauerlandes, der Nordhelle 663m über NN im Ebbegebirge, mit den bekannten Naturschätzen, den Ebbemooren .

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Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene (Grotewiese)


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Badestelle Hunswinkel Listertalsperre

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0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m 700 m 316 669



We start at the Nordhelle parking lot on the Valbert circular trail marked V and follow the asphalt path up to Nordhelle. Nordhelle is home to the Nordhelle restaurant, which invites you to stop for a bite to eat. Hikers can also climb the Robert-Kolb-Turm and enjoy the magnificent panoramic view. An Abenteuerspielplatz offers a nice change of pace for little hikers. After the playground, the path turns right and continues along a forest path.We keep left until we discover a wooden tipi on the left-hand side, where an information board explains more details. The transmission tower not far away is clearly visible from the path, at the next crossroads we follow the asphalt path to the right. We reach the Spinne crossroads with rest areas and information boards. The path leads us slightly uphill to the left until we reach a T-junction, where we turn left and finally come to a nice rest area on the Rüenhardt.Continue straight ahead following the signs to the right on a somewhat stony path to the next crossroads, where we turn right again and follow the asphalt path. Now turn left onto a forest path called Königsfarnweg, left again downhill onto Ebbergweg and straight ahead at the next crossroads on partly stony ground along Weide until the path ends on a small road in the village of Ebberg. In Ebberg, we follow the road to the right until we turn left onto a gravel path in front of a large clearing.We keep left on a forest path, which becomes a narrow path with tall grasses for a short stretch. Immediately afterwards, we keep right onto the forest path and at the next T-junction, left onto the gravel path. At a forest crossroads, we follow the Valbert circular trail to the right as far as the village of Albringhausen and turn right at the L539 road. Hikers wishing to visit the St. Maria Magdalena chapel continue along the L539 to Grotewiese (see tip).We cross the road and follow it until shortly before the bus stop, where the path joins a smaller path on the right and we hike up the hill. Before we reach the high seat that can be seen from afar, we follow the path to the left past fields and meadows until we reach the next village. There we cross the road and follow the road opposite, keeping to the right up the mountain. At the next crossroads, we turn right through the forest and continue to follow the signs.The Valbert circular trail and the A2 meet at a forest crossroads, where we turn left down the hill and then right again. If we now continue to follow our V, we are soon close to the Listertalsperre dam, where you can take a refreshing break in Hunswinkel or a short break in the Zur Listertalsperre restaurant. In Hunswinkel, we turn left, leaving the Listerhalle on the right, cross a bridge and follow the forest path slightly uphill. We keep right at the next crossroads and continue along the V-Valbert circular trail until we reach a road, which we follow for a short distance.The path continues to the left through the forest, past a large meadow and straight on to the next fork, where we turn right. Continuing down the mountain, we turn left at a crossroads, cross a small bridge and a country road to reach the cozy Ingemertermühle snack station. Behind the snack station, the path follows to the left up the mountain past a high seat. We come to a small country road, which we follow until we turn left onto a stony path into the forest. When we reach a wide clearing, we cross it and follow the initially narrow path until we pass another small road and turn left up the hill. Before the forest, the path bends to the right following the meadow. We have to turn left at a bench and then keep right through the forest down the hill. The path turns right once again onto a road before immediately turning left onto a forest path. Following the V, we soon take a bumpy path down the hill, walk through the underpass and reach the L539, where we turn right towards Breddershaus.In Breddershaus, we follow the small country road uphill for a short distance before turning left and ending up on a small farm access road. Passing through the small farm settlement of Elminghausen, the asphalt path turns into a typical forest path and leads us into the wooded area around the "Auf'm Ebbe" nature reserve. The path bends to the left and then takes us on a wide right-hand bend through the "Käsebruch" spring area.We soon cross the country road again briefly and then reach the small settlement of Westebbe, now again on an asphalt path. At the next large crossroads, we turn left and follow the path uphill, crossing the Ebbemoore nature reserve. We meet the Ebbekamm path, marked with a red triangle on a white background, and follow this so-called Hubertusweg on the right. At the next crossroads, we leave the Hubertusweg again and continue along the Kammweg, which eventually leads us to the road (L 707); here we have almost reached the top of the Nordhelle.We cross the road and reach our starting point below the Nordhelle, the hikers' parking lot.


Due to the length of the circular trail, sturdy footwear is recommended. Small sections of the trail can also be stony in places. On rainy days, the forest floor can be soggy. Caution is advised when crossing roads.

Safty guidelines

First aid: In an emergency, dial the emergency number 112 and state the rescue point number. Rescue points are access points marked in the forest for rescue vehicles. If the nearest rescue point is not known, your location can be called up directly via AML (Advanced Mobile Location) during the emergency call.

Author Tip

For a short break in between, the cozy Nordhelle restaurant on the Nordhelle (Nordhelle 1, tel. 02357/3876,

Not far from Albringhausen, following the L539 westwards, it is worth visiting the pretty chapel of St. Maria Magadalena (Grotewiese 5, tel. 02358/276792) in Grotewiese.

Don't forget your swimming gear - after the hike - or as a short stopover - hikers can cool off in the Listertalsperre.

The Schinderhannes Mühle (Ingemertermühle 2, tel. 02358/8573) is a wonderful place to take a break.

When you reach Österfeld, you can spend the night at the nearby Alapakahof Blomberg (Blomberg 2, tel. 02358/2767797, or at the Landgasthof Haus Eckern. Landgasthof Haus Eckern (Möllsiepen 2, tel. 02358/90900,


Hiking map Oberes Volmetal - Second edition - ISBN number 9 783866 369207

Public transiot

With the RB 25 Coming from Cologne or Lüdenscheid, get off at Meinerzhagen station. Change to the NahTourBus line 252 in the direction of Lüdenscheid. Get off at Nordhelle. During the summer months, the MVG NahTourBus runs on all Sundays and public holidays between Meinerzhagen via Nordhelle to Lüdenscheid and back.

Getting there

Coming by car from the A45, take the Meinerzhagen exit and follow the L539 in the direction of Valbert / Attendorn. Turn onto the L707 in the direction of Nordhelle until you reach the signposted Nordhelle parking lot on the right-hand side.

Coming from theeast / Attendorn on the L539, turn right in Valbert onto the L707 towards Nordhelle until you reach the Nordhelle parking lot on the right.


Free parking lot for hikers (Nordhelle P5 parking lot) with information boards and rest area.
Alternative entrances to the hike with parking facilities are available further along the route.

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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