Stage 2: "Wanderbares M" Discover Meinerzhagen's most beautiful corners

Biggesee-Listersee nature experience area / Neusta Touren / Stage 2: "Wanderbares M" Discover Meinerzhagen's most beautiful corners

On the second stage of the "Wanderable M", you will discover the natural and cultural treasures of the town of Meinerzhagen, located at the foot of the Ebbegebirge mountains in the Oben an der Volme region of the Märkisches Sauerland, over a distance of approx. 19.2 kilometers.

Aussichtsplateau "Grundlose"

Archimedes-Spirale am Wanderparkplatz Quellental

Wanderparkplatz Stoltenberg

Karrenspur / Teufelsstein von Willertshagen

Waldsofa an der Fürwiggetalsperre

Sagenort "Die Römer in der Grundlosen"

Blick auf die Staumaer der Fürwiggetalsperre

Fürwiggetalsperre im Sommer

Tour starting point:

Stoltenberg hiking parking lot

Tour destination point:

Hiking parking lot Quellental

Additional Information

All information about the "Wanderbare M" can be found here:



regionaler Wanderweg


19.3 km


5:44 h

Elevation ascent

493 m

Elevation descent

527 m

Lowest point

436 m

Highest point

619 m

Enjoy nature and discover the most beautiful corners of Meinerzhagen on foot: our "Wanderbares M" stage tour offers all of this. The approximately 50 km long hike, divided into 4 (half) day stages, leads in the shape of an "M" past the Wasserschloß Badinghagen, the Meinhardus Mattenschanzen (the landmark of Meinerzhagen), the Fürwiggetalsperre and through the Quellental and the Ebbemoore to the heights of the Ebbegebirge and the Nordhelle (663 m above sea level).

The route then continues down the valley past the Knochenmühle mill and the St. Maria Magdalena chapel (Grotewiese) to the idyllic Listertalsperre dam. If you still haven't had enough, you can discover further highlights on one of the numerous circular trails following the "Wanderbare M". At some points along the route, you can listen to exciting legends from the "magical world of legends at the top of the Volme".

The tour runs along marked hiking trails and is also marked with a white "M" on a blue-green striped circle.

0 km 5 km 10 km 15 km 400 m 450 m 500 m 550 m 600 m 650 m 434 619



The legendary "Willertshagen Devil's Stone" awaits us directly at the hiking parking lot. A few minutes' walk from the hiking parking lot, the path leads us past an old cart track on the left-hand side of the path to a small viewing plateau, from where we have a beautiful view of the flora and fauna of the Grundlose, the headwaters of the Lister. The legendary site of "The Romans in the Grundlose" is located here. The rest of the trail leads through meadows and forests and impresses with its wonderful tranquillity and beautiful nature. Once we reach the Kammweg, we approach the "VolmeSchatz Natur" circular trail, which takes us around the Fürwiggetalsperre dam and provides us with exciting information. After circling the dam, the trail leads back to the Kammweg, which we leave after a short while to descend into the Quellental valley. In spring, it's also worth taking a short detour to the March-flower trail, where thousands of March-flowering bulbs cover the forest floor like a carpet.


Different surfaces await us on this hiking tour. Sturdy hiking boots and clothing suitable for the weather are recommended. Hiking provisions (food & drinks) should be taken along.

Safty guidelines

First aid: In an emergency, dial the emergency number 112 and state the rescue point number. Rescue points are access points marked in the forest for rescue vehicles. If the nearest rescue point is not known, your location can be called up directly via AML (Advanced Mobile Location) during the emergency call.

Author Tip

Circular tours along the way:

- Circular trail A6

- VolmeSchatz Nature - themed hiking trail around and above the Fürwiggetalsperre dam

- Fascination Ebbemoore

Side trip:

- In spring: Marchberry trail at the Hervel Bruch

- Kneipp basin with shelter near the Quellental hiking parking lot

Getting there

All information can be found here: WANDERBARES M


Heed parking lot - entry point for stage 1

Hiking parking lot Stoltenberg - entry point stage 2

Quellental hiking parking lot - starting point for stage 3

Windebruch parking lot - end point (or starting point if you walk the route the other way round)

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