Herscheid: valleys - towers - dams

Biggesee-Listersee nature experience area / Neusta Touren / Herscheid: valleys - towers - dams
This beautiful tour offers many distant views and runs entirely on asphalted roads. A great cycling experience with many highlights, whether Nordhelle or Fürwiggetalsperre.

Kurzer Abstecher hinauf auf die Nordhelle mit fantastischer Weitsicht

Tour starting point:

Parking lot at the community hall

Tour destination point:

Parking lot at the community hall


  • Refreshment stop
  • Circular route


regionale Radtour


30.9 km


4:18 h

Elevation ascent

733 m

Elevation descent

734 m

Lowest point

374 m

Highest point

618 m



The municipality of Herscheid presents itself as a nature park community with high recreational and residential value. It lies in the middle of the "Sauerland Rothaargebirge Nature Park". The charming landscape, the vastness of the forests, meadows and fields as well as the well-marked hiking trail network of the SGV in combination with the infrastructure initiated by the nature park have made Herscheid a popular hiking region known far beyond the boundaries of the municipality. Not to be forgotten is the 242 km long "Sauerland-Höhenflug" hiking trail, which runs through the municipality of Herscheid. Winter sports enthusiasts will find skiing and tobogganing slopes, in particular a 20 km cross-country ski trail for cross-country skiers.
The Ebbehang is also a training ground for hang-gliders and paragliders. Water sports and camping at the Oestertalsperre dam, mini golf, tennis, gliding and horse riding are also possible. The idyllic warm-water outdoor pool in the Bruchbach valley is also one of Herscheid's attractions. Well-kept restaurants round off the offer.

Wanderparkplatz Gemeinschaftshalle

Wanderwegweiser am Parkplatz

Der zentrale, in Herscheid gelegene, Wanderparkplatz in direkter Nachbarschaft zur dortigen Gemeinschaftshalle bietet eine gute Ausgangslage für viele Wanderstrecken in und rund um Herscheid.

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E-Bike Akku-Ladestation Freibad Herscheid


Wer sein Fahrrad liebt - der schiebt. Das muss nicht sein!

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Eines der Waldsofas an der Fürwiggetalsperre

Ein beliebtes Ziel für Wanderer, Spaziergänger und Jogger ist die Fürwiggetalsperre bei Meinerzhagen im Ebbegebirge mit einem Uferwanderweg von 4,1 km Länge in einer waldreichen Umgebung.

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Zwischen Lüdenscheid und Herscheid liegt die Versetalsperre.

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Sagenplakette mit QR-Code

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Wanderparkplatz Gasmert

Rastplatz am Wanderparkplatz Gasmert

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Bauernhof Bühner

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Hofladen Unweit der L561 zwischen Lüdenscheid und Herscheid liegt der Bauernhof der Familie Bühner.

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Wanderparkplatz Niederholte

Informationstafel am Wanderparkplatz Niederholte

Dieser Parkplatz erschließt das Naherholungsgebiet rund um die Versetalsperre.

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E-Bike Akku-Ladestation Nieder-Holte

Gartenterrasse Café-Restaurant

Das Café-Restaurant Vedder in Herscheid bietet E-Bike Fahrern einen besonderen Fahrradservice.

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0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 350 m 400 m 450 m 500 m 550 m 600 m 650 m 386 628



From the parking lot at the community hall, we cross the bridge and then turn left into the street "Im Uerp".At the warm water outdoor pool, we turn right and follow the street "In der Mark" uphill. Further up, we turn left into the street "Am Rohbusch" and shortly afterwards turn right along the "Katerlöher Weg" to the main road. On this path, we already have a wonderful view of the Ebbegebirge with its three towers on the Nordhelle.We cross the main road and take the L707 up to Nordhelle. At the top, we follow the road downhill for a little while before turning right onto the Hubertusweg. Continue along this until you reach the refuge and then continue along the Hubertusweg and Höhweg until you reach the barrier. Turn right there and then right again through the forest to the forester's lodge.Now we continue down the hill and turn left to the Fürwiggetalsperre dam.Here we enjoy the tranquillity of the water and continue along the path to the dam. Cross the dam and turn right along the main road to the village of Neuemühle. At the bottom, we turn left towards the Versetalsperre.At the reservoir, we turn right to enjoy the nature around the Versetalsperre on the route, which is closed to vehicles.At the end of this path, we reach the Versedamm.Turn right here onto the main road and immediately take the next left. At the crossroads, turn right up the hill. At the top, we cross the bridge towards Gasmert.We stay on this road and turn right at the fire station just before the village of Ober-Holte.We cross the hamlet of Dürhölten. We then take a sharp left onto the main road. We follow this road to our starting point, not forgetting to enjoy the beautiful view from the top of the hill.


The tour leads entirely along paved paths and roads and is therefore also suitable for "normal" cyclists. An e-bike is recommended due to the altitude profile of the routes and can also be charged en route at Café-Restaurant Vedder in Niederholte.

Author Tip

The Verse and Fürwiggetalsperre dams are located directly on the route. Other excursion destinations nearby are:

Forest learning trail and tower "See and understand" is the motto of the forest learning trail on the Nordhelle. Information boards convey the latest findings about nature and provide insights into unknown habitats. The walk leads over the highest elevation in the north-western Sauerland: 663 m above sea level. Along the way is the Robert-Kolb-Turm with the adjacent 130-metre-high WDR broadcasting tower
. At the foot of the tower, visitors will find a cozy hiking restaurant with a terrace. A 5.5-kilometre circular trail starts at the tower.

Märkische Museumseisenbahn
Lovingly restored trains roll from the old station in Herscheid-Hüinghausen into the Sauerland: typical narrow-gauge trains made up of old passenger and freight wagons, pulled by historic steam and diesel locomotives. Those who board the train travel like people used to do: sitting comfortably on wooden benches. Other locomotives and carriages can be viewed in the vehicle hall. www.sauerlaender-kleinbahn.de

Construction of the Oestertalsperre in Plettenberg began in 1904 after several years of preliminary planning. The facility includes the quarry stone dam with a dam height of 32 m - a very impressive height at the time of construction - and two sliding towers. There are stone-roofed turbine houses on both sides of the Oestertalsperre's tailwater.
Swimming and water sports are permitted in some areas of the water. This once again makes the dam a popular excursion destination. www.plettenberg.de

Public transit

MVG line 54 from Lüdenscheid or Plettenberg

Timetable at www.mvg-online.de

Monument" stop

How to get there

BAB 45 - Exit Lüdenscheid-Süd. Direction Herscheid. In Herscheid, take the first left.

After approx. 200m turn left at the community hall into Räriner Straße and drive into the parking lot.


Parking lot at the community hall

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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