Junkernhöh nature trail

Historic site

"Schlüsen" - a dialectal term for hollow ways - are the witnesses of old trade routes. They were unfortified and were given their shape through constant use. Drolshagen has always been an important part of a supra-regional network of trade routes, such as the Iron Road. For this reason, there are a large number of hollow ways in the Drolshagen region, which were mainly used in the Middle Ages. At that time, they were the lifelines of the region. Thanks to numerous information boards, the nature trail is easy to explore on your own. Guided tours can also be booked.






Junkernhöh nature trail

Am Frohnen Wenden

57489 Drolshagen

Telephone: 02761-9427990

Fax: 02761-9427991





  • Parking spaces available

A particularly impressive example of hollow ways is the Junkernhöh/Germinghausen bundle of hollow ways, a registered ground monument. These are excellently preserved hollow ways whose age cannot be precisely determined. The hollow ways are remnants of the old iron road, a connection from Frankfurt via Drolshagen to Hagen. Several hollow ways start in the east below the federal highway 45, then run parallel to it and end in a westerly direction in front of a farm road.

Schlüsen-Bündel and buildings also belong to a very old traffic route, dating back to the time of the founding of the Cistercian monastery in Drolshagen (1235), which led regionally via Hespecke, Scheda, Junkernhöh, Rosenthal, in the direction of Olpe. The Drolshagen Cistercian monastery owned its own hammer mills early on and occasionally traded in steel. One of the hammer mills and monastic land were the basis for the foundation of the Wenden smelter by Johannes Ermert in 1728.

VIA EST VITA: "The road is life", said the ancient Romans, and this is still true today. You will learn how life went on and with the old roads and what happened when the flow of traffic changed with new roads. Walking through the gorges will give you a feel for the old times and the hard everyday life of the people. This is how Drolshagen's history comes alive. The circular route is approx. 1 km long

Detailed information about the Schlüsen can be found at: http://www.drolshagen-marketing.de/de/projekte/der-schluesenlehrpfad

The Schlüsen nature trail in Drolshagen is also an attraction of WasserEisenLand - Industriekultur Südwestfalen

Information and booking of guided tours:
Drolshagen Marketing e.V.
Regine Rottwinkel
Dirkingen 1
57489 Drolshagen
Phone 02761-9427990
Fax 02761-9427991
Email: info@drolshagen-marketing.de

Text: Drolshagen Marketing e. V.


Free admission:


The Schlüsenlehrpfad can be hiked via the A2. The A2 hiking parking lot is located at the entrance to Heimicke.

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