
Diverse nature experiences

Located on the southern outskirts of Meinerzhagen, at 437 m above sea level, is the Aggerquelle, which is marked by a memorial bowl. It is also worth taking a look at the information board, which is located on the bar mat fence of the ski jump area next to the stream.

Aggerquelle im Oktober

Weg zur Aggerquelle

Blick auf die Schanzen an der Aggerquelle

Die junge Agger im Oktober



Bahnhofstr. 9-15

58540 Meinerzhagen




  • Parking spaces available
  • Bus stop available
  • free of charge / accessible at any time
From here, the Agger flows south and after a few kilometers reaches the well-known Agger dam, which is named after it and is a worthwhile destination for all those seeking leisure and recreation. Another branch flows into the Genkeltalsperre. The young Agger accompanies the Sauerland-Höhenflug at the beginning and also surrounds the romantically situated Wasserschloß Badinghagen. Further along the river, the Agger flows into the Sieg after 69 km.

In addition, the circular hiking trail on the Sauerland-Höhenflug "Vom Wasser haben wir's gelernt" also leads hikers along the small Aggerquelle, along with numerous other highlights.

coordinates: 51°05'55.5 "N 7°39'04.8 "

EAll information without guarantee!


The actual Aggerquelle emerges from the ground for the first time from the fenced area on the meadow below the Schallershaus hiking parking lot. If you follow the Sauerland Höhenflug circular trail from the hiking parking lot (before the barrier at the edge of the forest, turn right down the path), you will come to the course of the young Agger, which flows into the Agger and Genkeltalsperre dams. You can also park at the Schützenplatz and walk from there across the Schützenplatz past the traffic circle towards the Butmicke barbecue area and just before the KKSV, turn left at the signpost downhill across the meadow to the Agger. If you want to travel by bus, you can get off at the "Im Brannten" bus stop, which is a short distance away.

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