More and more people go on vacation by bike to explore new regions. There are companies that specialize in bicycle guests. The General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) has developed quality criteria for bicycle-friendly accommodation based on these wishes. The Bett+Bike logo stands for the fulfillment of these criteria. In all Bett+Bike accommodations, cyclists can rely on finding a minimum standard of bike-friendly service.
Here you will find an overview map of Bett & Bike certified businesses in the Biggesee-Listersee nature experience area The Bett+Bike quality criteria*:
Accommodating bicycle guests for one night
Lockable room to store bikes overnight
Space for drying clothes and equipment
Offering a full breakfast Information on the regional tourist offer for cyclists
Provision of a basic repair kit.
Additional services*
For the Bett+Bike quality award, three additional services from the following overview must be fulfilled:
Advising guests on environmentally friendly arrival and departure
Collection and delivery service for cycling guests
Rental or rental bike offer E-bike or pedelec
rental E-Bike or Pedelec charging stations
Offer of day tours Luggage transfer to the next accommodation
Cooperation with a bicycle workshop
Rental of navigation devices WiFi use
included lunch packet